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dc.contributor.authorKhaerunnisa, Shafa Qolbi-
dc.description.abstractAs the F&B beverage grows rapidly through social media, Ann’s wants to ensure their customers from outside of Jakarta are able to taste their cakes. This inspired the idea of reformulang their cake products into “oleh-oleh” or souvenirs, which has a longer shelf-life and is more shelf stable. The aim of this study was to invesgate the effect of acve packaging on the shelf life and quality of honey cake. The results showed no stascal significance between the two treatments in regards to moisture content and water acvity, most likely due to insufficient sample size. However, the vacuum treatment caused the cake to harden significantly, which may negavely affect its texture and customer likability. It is important to properly implement acve packaging in order to extend the shelf life of bakery products, and the pressure applied by the vacuum machine should also be carefully controlled to avoid negavely impacng the texture of the cake. Although acve packaging can help extend the shelf life of cakes, it is not a complete soluon to prevent spoilage and the cakes should sll be consumed within a reasonable period of me.en_US
dc.publisherIndonesia International Institute for Life Sciencesen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesEP FS011;EP23071-
dc.subjecthoney cakeen_US
dc.subjectwater acvityen_US
dc.subjectmoisture contenten_US
dc.subjectacve packagingen_US
dc.titleComparison between Acve Packaging and Cling Wrap Packaging on the Shelf Life and Quality of Honey Cake from Ann’s Bakehouseen_US
dc.typeWorking Paperen_US
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