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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 84
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021-08-28Determination of Potential Antagonist from Alkaloids as an Alternative Treatment for Nicotine Dependence Using In Silico ApproachRaharjo, Fanny Setiawati
2021-08-28Application of Novel Indigenious Lactic Acid Bacteria and Yeast Co-Culture on Low-Salt Soy Sauce FermentationLimas, Sean Alexander Bastaman
2019-11-19The Effect Of PH On Bacterial Cellulose Production Using Bacteria and Yeast Isolates From Kombucha Culture In Molasses MediaYoung, Jeffrey
2019-11-19The Effect of Paper Mill Sludge Concentration and Composition in Modified Cassava Starch Bioplastic PropertiesSimanjaya, Matthew Adi
2019-09-19The Effect of Initial Sugar Concentration on Bacterial Cellulose Production Yield using Bacteria and Yeast Isolates from Kombucha in Molasses MediaSudibya, Khoe Erick
2019-11-19The Effect of Caffeine Concentration on Bacterial Cellulose Production using Bacteria and Yeast Isolates from Kombucha's Culture in Mollasses MediaJeffry
2019-11-19The Biodigestibility Potential of Bioplastics in Anaerobic DigestionBolang, Febriana
2019-11-19The Association Between Mitochondrial DNA Copy Number (MTDNA-CN) and Relativr Telomere Length (RTL) with Genral Healthof Punan People Living in Respen Tubu, Long Sule, and Sajau Benau in North KalimantanMargaret
2019-11-19Screening of the Antibacterial Potential of Marine Actinobacteria from the Bangka Belitung IslandAvicena, Fahreza
2019-11-19Scale-Up and Profitability Analysis of Bacterial Cellulose Production from MolassesSagita, Joe
2019-11-19Productions and Characterization of Biocomposite Produced from Solid-State Fermentation of Apple Pomace with FungiAdriel, Johnathan
2019-11-19Isolation of a Prebiotic-Producing Gene (1-SST) in Dioscorea esculenta (Gembili) using Primers Designed from Chromosome 11 of Dioscorea rotundataHeriawan, Gili
2019-11-19Isolation, Characterization, and Identification of Microorganism from Bali Traditional Soy Sauce for The Production of  Low sodium Soy Sauce  Ariana, Purwita Putri
2019-11-19Constructing and Cloning of PEGFP-N1 Vector Containing Turncated RPGRIP1L Coiled-Coil Domain from NIH 3T3Kumalasari, Inge
2019-11-19Construction of Plasmid Vector for the Expression of LipYΔPE from Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv in Escherichia coliSutjiady, Pristha
2019-11-19Constructing and Cloning of Pegfp-N1 Vector Containing Turncated RPGRIP1L C2 Domain from NIH3T3Denzyl, Chrestella Nathania
2018-08-28Exploring Population Structure of 7 Different Indonesian Populations Based on Genetic DataKorompis, Gracia Felias Enos
2018-08-28Production of β-Carotene-Enriched Biomass by Neurospora Intermedia using Solid State Fermentation of Bread WasteSintca, Carissa
2018-08-28Optimization of In Vitro CRISPR/Cas9 Test for Targeting Virescens Gene in Oil PalmFacicilia, Geofanny
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 84