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Title: Database Creation and Mapping of Discovered Extremophiles in Indonesia
Authors: Pranoto, Victor Sandyawan
Keywords: Extremophile
Issue Date: 31-Oct-2020
Publisher: Indonesia International Institute for Life Sciences
Series/Report no.: BT 20-019;T202010060
Abstract: Indonesia, which possesses diverse geographies, holds a big potential for extremophile exploration. Despite all the research conducted to identify extremophiles in Indonesia, no study has compiled all of these findings yet. Objective – This study aims to compile and map all of the discovered extremophiles in Indonesia to further address the current state of research on Indonesian extremophiles. Methodology – A database containing information of organism’s name, type of extremophile, type of environment, location of discovery, location’s physicochemical condition, location’s province, potential application, publication year, journal source, research title, and link source was created. Using the database, information as follows was presented visually: Total amount of extremophiles research used in this study per year in Indonesia (column chart), total amount of extremophiles per type in Indonesia (pie chart), total number of extremophiles based on Indonesian region (pie chart), and total amount of extremophiles type based on type of environment in Indonesia (pie chart). The database was then mapped by using Google My Maps and published by using WIX web application. Result and Conclusion – The database could be accessed in, and the map could be accessed in While the extremophile research in Indonesia is currently lacking, there is an abrupt increase of interest in this topic. Most of the discovered extremophiles are thermophile which are majorly obtained from volcanic-hot spring. A collaboration with researchers taking interest in Indonesian extremophile is recommended to futher improve the data collection for this map.
Appears in Collections:Biotechnology

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