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dc.contributor.authorTetelepta, Precious Ashley-
dc.description.abstractFortifying low-fat milk with nutrients essential for overall health, mainly gut health and immunity, is crucial as these can supply the substances required to keep the body's immune system functioning properly. Examples include adding fiber and vitamin premixes (a combination of A, E, and C). However, to meet consumer demand for variety and a distinctive flavor experience, flavored milk was created to encourage more people to drink milk. Five prototypes are tested in this project: one without any added flavor, one with a creamy mouthfeel flavor addition, and the other three with fruity milk (strawberry, banana, and mango). The project aims to compare the unflavoured fortified low-fat milk with the creamy mouthfeel flavoured fortified low-fat milk and comparing the three extended fruity flavoured fortified low-fat milk and determine which one the customers accept or prefer using the 9- point hedonic scale and 2-AFC. Majority of the panellists could detect the difference in term of creaminess between sample with added creamy mouthfeel flavor and sample without creamy mouthfeel. Nevertheless, the attributes of milk are not only based on creaminess; the overall liking of the milk also depends on the other attributes. Hence, the result shows that the difference between the overall liking and other attributes except aroma is insignificant. The panellists also noted that strawberry-flavored milk had the best ratings for all attributes among the three extended varieties of fruity-flavored milk flavours. As the most enticing fruity milk product that consumers will accept on the market, strawberry-flavored milk received the highest ratings. Banana flavoured milk may be the most suitable substitute for strawberry-flavored milk on the market. Improvement can also be made to the samples. In terms of the sample that added creamy mouthfeel flavor, the addition of milk flavor can be done to enhance the milkiness of the milk.en_US
dc.publisherIndonesia International Institute for life scienceen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesFSN 24-028;T202409115-
dc.subjectmango-flavored milken_US
dc.subjectFortified low-fat milken_US
dc.subjectcreamy mouthfeel flavoren_US
dc.subjectstrawberry-flavored milken_US
dc.titleCustomer Acceptance and Preference of fortified low fat-milk using different Fruity Flavour at PT. Essence Indonesiaen_US
Appears in Collections:Food Science and Nutrition

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