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dc.contributor.authorLee, Ju Won-
dc.description.abstractSoy flour is a good source of vegetable proteins, with a low fat content. Sorghum has proven to be a super-rich component of nutrition and adds a superb flavor to gluten-free baking. The project aims to expand the age range by product development of soy sorghum biscuits that are edible at the age of 3 to 5 years by adding chocolate flavors. The study examines the effect of cocoa powder addition on the physical properties and proximate analysis of soy sorghum biscuits. The investigation compares the physical properties and proximate analysis of soy sorghum biscuit and chocolate flavor biscuits (addition of 5 and 7.5 grams of cocoa powder) and sensory evaluation. The physical and proximate analyzed include color, texture of hardness, protein, fat, carbohydrate, ash and moisture. The method used colorimetric, texture analyzer, kjeldahl, soxhlet, dry ashing, and rapid moisture analyzer to investigate the differences between the biscuit samples. The sensory evaluation towards 30 people of i3L students with 9-points hedonic scale method. The result of the control biscuit was highest in whiteness (48.16 ± 1.39), fat (16.60 ± 0.0061%) and moisture (2.83 ± 2.0008%). The soy sorghum biscuit with the addition of 7.5 grams of cocoa powder indicate highest in texture of hardness (2,950.58 ± 436.45), protein (17.38 ± 0.0048), carbohydrate (62.27 ± 0.0056%) and ash (2.79 ± 2.0003%). Overall, the addition of the cocoa powder gives effect on physicochemical properties and shows a significant difference in color parameters of L,b value and WI and also fat, carbohydrate, ash and moisture. Following sensory evaluation, the CFB 1 sample (5g of cocoa powder) has the highest acceptance (6.70) from i3L students.en_US
dc.publisherIndonesia International Institute for life scienceen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesFSN 24-012;T202409099-
dc.subjectphysical propertiesen_US
dc.subjectproximate analysisen_US
dc.subjectsensory evaluationen_US
dc.titleThe Effect of Unsweetened Cocoa Powder on the Physical Properties, Proximate Analysis and Sensory Evaluation of Soy Sorghum Biscuitsen_US
Appears in Collections:Food Science and Nutrition

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