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dc.contributor.authorSetiawan, Willy-
dc.description.abstractstability, primarily due to their colloidal dispersion structure, which tends to separate due to gravitational force. In this study, different types of hydrocolloids include xanthan gum, guar gum, gellan gum, and carrageenan were added to oat milk at 0.05% concentration to minimize separation tendency as well as improving its physicochemical and sensorial properties. The measurement of viscosity, total soluble solids, pH, color, sedimentation and sensory (9-point hedonic scale) was performed in this study. The addition of hydrocolloids was found to increase the viscosity and TSS significantly while decreasing the WI (p<0.05). The Gellan gum sample had the highest value of both viscosity and TSS compared to other treatments and control sample on day 0 (70.69±1.09 and 13.58±0.27), respectively. The addition of hydrocolloids has no significant effect on the pH of oat milk (p>0.05). The sedimentation rate decreased significantly with the addition of hydrocolloid (p<0.05). The sensory evaluation revealed that the carrageenan sample was having the highest value for overall acceptance (7.57±0.94) while gellan gum has the lowest with (5.65±1.84). These results highlight that the addition of different hydrocolloids could affect the physicochemical and sensorial properties of oat milk. Although the addition of hydrocolloids improve stability by decrease the sedimentation rate during storage, the sensory score was lower compared to negative control.en_US
dc.publisherIndonesia International Institute for life scienceen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesFSN 24-004;T202409091-
dc.subjectoat milken_US
dc.titleThe Effect of Different Hydrocolloids as Stabilizer on Physicochemical and Sensorial properties of Oat Milken_US
Appears in Collections:Food Science and Nutrition

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