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Showing results 750 to 769 of 846 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023-06-12Recognizing Triggers and Preventive Factors of Stunting by Improving Nutrition-Parenting-Education among Pregnant Women in DKI Jakarta, IndonesiaVerginia
2023-12-13Recommendation on Fluorescence In-Situ Hybridization Panel for Multiple Myeloma Diagnosis in IndonesiaEvelyn
2021-01-26Reducing the Foodborne Pathogens (E.coli 0157:H7 and Staphylococcus aureus) growth in Low Salt condition using soy sauce starter culturesSandjaja, Eric Bernardus Lili
2024-01-18Reformulation Of Carbonated Peach-apple Drink: Sugar Reduction Using Sweetness Modifier FlavorsDaniella, Hillary Liza
2023-12-13Regulation Comparison of Good Manufacturing Practice for Benchmarking Future Regulation in National Agency Drug and Food Control (NADFC)Zafira, Qastalia
2022-11-12The Regulatory Network of Mechanotransduction, Inflammation, and Redox Pathway in Abdominal Aortic AneurysmAurellia Ramara Winaya
2022-11-11The Regulatory Network of Mechanotransduction, Inflammation, and Redox Pathway in Abdominal Aortic AneurysmWinaya, Aurellia Ramara
2023-01-11The Relationship Between Gender, Age, and Consumption Habits of the Employee from PT Firmenich Indonesia and The Result of Recognition TestOctavian, Evan
2022-12-11Research and Development -New product Development at PT MeprofarmKartawira, Glen Lucius
2023-12-13Research and Development at PT Phapros TBKRaisinghani, Prettish Kishore
2024-04-08Research MethodKarnadi, Lydia
2022-07-01Rice Production and Threshing, Milling and Polishing System in Perusahaan Dagang Purwakarta DieselRichard, Sean
2022-02-01The Role of Bacillus subtilis in Soy Sauce Production: a ReviewQuiteria, Zabrina
2024-01-18The Role Of E. Bugandensis T6ss In Bacterial Competition (anti-bacterial) And Virulence (anti-eukaryotic)Catherine, Aurelia
2024-01-18Role of Fatty Acid Synthesis Towards HCV ReplicationNoya, Audrey Casey
2019-11-19Role of Kindlin and Functional Interplay with RhoE Small GTPase in Keratinocyte StratificationWisetyaningsih, Nurulfitri
2020-10-26The role of metal-based inhibitor to the miR-31 biomarkers of the triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC)Widjaja, Ryan
2023-06-12The Role of Receptor Activity Modifying Proteins (RAMPs) in Pancreatic CancerRattu, Shereen Angelina
2023-01-12Root Cause Analysis Based on the Margarine Physical Form Evaluation and Consumer Complaint 2021-2022 at PT. XYZSutandi, Julius
2021-09-03The S Gene Primer Design for the Detection of SARS-CoV-2 VirusChandra, Nelson