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Showing results 676 to 695 of 846 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023-06-12P-waves Detection in Normal and Pathologic Condition Using SciPy Library with Python Programming LanguageTirtawinata, Theo Millard
2021-09-21The Pathogenesis of Hepatitis B Virus and Its Role in the Development of Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Focus on cccDNABianca, Claryssa
2021-08-28Pectin-Based Drug Delivery System : Targeting Colorectal CancerLeonard, Theodore Ebenezer
2020-08-10Pembuatan Hand Sanitizer Gel dengan Essential Oil Jahe dan SerehHartrianti, Pietradewi; Hartiadi, Raden Leonny Yulita; Sahamastuti, Agnes Anania Triavika; Crystalia, Audrey Amira
2020-08-11Pembuatan Liquid Hand-soap Dengan Minyak Buah Merah (Pandanus Connoideus Lam)Hartrianti, Pietradewi; Hartiadi, Raden Leonny Yulita; Sahamastuti, Agnes Anania Triavika; Crystalia, Audrey Amira
2023-06-12Peptidome Analysis of the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein across VariantsSugiharto, Stephen
2020-10-02Perceived Sweetness and Spiciness in Different Concentration of Red Colorants Through Indirect EvaluationTaufick, Firnita Na'afi
2023-06-12Perception of PT. Wijaya Pangan Utama Employees on Sustainable Leader ManagementWangke, Johannes Michael
2019-07-18Perceptional Components of Brand Equity and its Influence on Satisfaction, Brand Loyalty and Purchase Intention: a Case of Jamu Amongst Gen-Z in Indonesia International Institute For Life SciencesRani, Shweta
2021-08-31Pharmacogenetics for Adverse Drug Reactions Caused by Antipsychotics Treatment in Schizophrenic Patients: A Systematic ReviewSatya, Rama
2021-05-11Pharmacokinetic Interaction Between Diazepam and CimetidineHartiadi, Raden Leonny Yulita
2019-11-19Phenotypic Analysis of Anticancer Properties of Asiatic Acid and Its Derivatives in asopharyngeal Carcinoma (Npc) In VitroSalim, Marvelmario Reginald Gabriel
2020-09-30Phylogenetic and Positive Selection Analysis of Dengue Virus Isolated From Recent Outbreak in Jember, East Java, 2019Dita, Tasya Putri
2019-11-19Physical and Sensorial Properties of Macaron Shells Made by Partially Subtitute Almond Flour with Gnetum gnemon (Melinjo) FlourGabriella Anastasia
2023-06-12Physical Characteristics of Cereal Bars Based on Different Sugar Substitutes in Comparison to SucroseKrisnadi
2023-01-10The Physical Properties of Plain, Coconut-Flavored, and Black Grass Jelly-Flavored Jelly During Storage at PT. XYZNatalia, Gwenda
2020-08-06Physiccochemical, Textural and water soluble Protein Analysis of Overripe Temp-e Produced From Traditional and Modern FacilitiesAndretti, Mario
2021-07-09Physicochemical And Microbial Stability Observation Of Plant-based Indonesian MeatballSudharma, Widiana Aileen
2023-06-12Physicochemical and Sensorial Analysis of White Cheese-Flavored Sauce Formulated with Oat MilkWidjaja, Yediya Gabriella Anna
2019-08-22Physicochemical and Sensorial Properties of Sunflower Oil Subtituted Butter Cookies with Different EmulsifiersOktaviance, Nathasya