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Showing results 448 to 467 of 846 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022-09-15A Handbook on in vitro Gene Expression Study for Cosmetic TestingHartanti, Pietradewi; Gustiananda, Marsia; Susilo, Richard Felicia Edgina; J, Jesslyn; Jonathan, Michael
2019-10-14Healthy Food Restaurants Patrons' Motivations and Their Influences on Dining Experience in Switzerland and IndonesiaTjong Budisantoso, Ph.D; Prof. Dr. Leng Khim Lim; Iryanti, Fariska Yosi
2012-11-22High-rate biogas production from waste textiles using a two-stage processJeihanipour, Azam; Aslanzadeh, Solmaz; Rajendran, Karthik; Balasubramanian, Gopinath; J. Taherzadeh, Mohammad
2021-09-29Histological Analysis of Wound Healing Treatment using Pectin Silver Nanoparticles and Keratin-Pectin Silver NanoparticlesSantoso, Adrian Wangsawijaya
2021-09-21Histological Evaluation of Wound Healing Treatment with Pectin clindamycin and Keratin-Pectin clindamycinTee, Albert
2022-07-01Idenfying Dietary Paerns in Respect to Ultra-Processed Food (UPF) In French And Bulgarian Elderly Populaon: A Pilot StudyJeremy, Deswen
2019-12-19Identification and Characterization of Endogenous Small Mitochondrial PeptidesFidelito, Gio
2022-07-04Identification and Comparison of SARS-CoV-2 Peptides Binding to HLA-A*24:02 and HLA-A*24:07Tangtobing, Stevanie Faustina
2022-07-11Identification and Flavonoids in Ethanol-Soluble Calophyllum Inophyllum Oil from IndonesiaTanoto, Kenjiro
2022-12-11The Identification of Anti-infective Properties of Pangium edule Seeds Extract Against Salmonella typhiurium Infection in BALB/c MiceChristian, Rendy
2023-01-11Identification of Bacteria in “REAL GOOD Sereal Coklat” UHT MilkFernando, Sebastian
2024-01-31Identification Of Enterobacteriaceae Using Conventional And Compact Dry MethodPrabawa, Matthew Ilyas Satria
2024-01-18Identification Of Human Tankyrase 1 Inhibitors As Potential Anti-cancer Agents Using A Humanized Yeast Cell-based BioassaySantoso, Natasya Irene
2020-08-20Identification of Immunoreactive Tegumental Proteins of the Carcinogenic Liver Fluke Opisthorchis Viverrini as Vaccine TargetUlag, Lorina Handayani
2023-06-12The Identification of Lactobacillus Bacteria and Yeast Isolated from Fermented Food Waste Eco-Enzyme Harvested at Different Times and Its Possibility for Synthetic Wastewater TreatmentParengkoan, Flavia Nadine
2019-12-19Identification of Novel Mechanisms of Gremlin1 in CancerCanamara, Shannon
2022-07-01Identification of the Potential Antimicrobial Properties of the Native Papuan Tree BarkAnvolia, Kelly
2023-06-12Identifying Diagnostic and Prognostic Biomarker in SkinCutaneous Melanoma in White RacePatients from UCSC Xena DatasetSaty, Putri Gabriella Angel Natalia
2019-11-19Identifying The Role of Bone Morphogenetic Protein (Bmp) Signaling in Regulating Melanogenesis, Melanin Transfer and Migration of Melanocytes in The Hair Follicle Stem Cell NicheSusanto, Sulvania
2020-10-02Immunodetection of the M60-like Metallopeptidase of The Carcinogenic Liver Fluke Opisthorchis viverriniCandra, Agatha Ranindita Kirana