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Results 1-10 of 11 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018-08-28Exploring Population Structure of 7 Different Indonesian Populations Based on Genetic DataKorompis, Gracia Felias Enos
2022-06-02Immunoinformatics Approach for Designing SARS-CoV-2 Multi Epitope Vaccine Based on Indonesian IsolatesHadipurnomo, Erick Julian
2020-12-20Knowledge Toward Type II Diabetes Risk Factors and Its Influence on healthy Lifestyle: a Study on Consumer Behavior with Specific Focus on College StudentRichard Sutejo, Ph. D; Stefan Gutert, Ph. D; Boseren, Lilyen Likchen
2019-04-05Developing Collaborative Research Management among Government-University- Industry in Life Sciences R&D in the Context of Emerging Bioeconomy in IndonesiaCristina Gomez Suarez, Ph.D.; Prof. Leng Khim Lim; Rosyid, Nur
2020-09-28Value, Knowledge, and Attitude of Organic Food Purchasing in i3L Indonesia and FHNW SwitzerlandRichard Sutejo, Ph.D; Dr. Stefan T. Günter; Wataha, Vivin
2019-10-14Healthy Food Restaurants Patrons' Motivations and Their Influences on Dining Experience in Switzerland and IndonesiaTjong Budisantoso, Ph.D; Prof. Dr. Leng Khim Lim; Iryanti, Fariska Yosi
2018-08-28The Appeal Factors of Biodegradable Packaging in IndonesiaOeripto, Vanda Gabriella Singing Glory
2020-10-16The Effect of Inlet Air Temperature and Sweet Soy Sauce:Maltodextrin Ratio to the Physical Properties of Spray-dried Sweet Soy SauceArista, Denis
2022-06-06Next-Generaon Sequencing and Predicon of T-cell Epitopes from Structural Proteins of Circulang SARS-CoV-2 Strains in IndonesiaPutri, Tiffanny Adora
2023-06-12Factors Affecting Consumer’s Purchase Intention Toward Plant-based Milk in Indonesia.Lyman, Melvin