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Results 951-960 of 966 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024-09-01Sacha Inchi (Plukenetia volubilis) Waste Utilization as a Substrate for Black Soldier Fly CultivationRaharjo, Nicholas
2024-09-01Investigating the Underlying Molecular Regulation Behind Methyl Jasmonate’s Role in the Terpenoid Production of the Saga Plant (Abrus precatorius): MYC2 Transcription Factors and Cis-Acting Regulatory Elements Region of Genes Involved in Triterpenoid BiosynthesisCandra, Daniel Christopher
2024-09-01Development of Pediococcus acidilactici postbiotic loaded Biocellulose for Wound Healing ApplicationRai, Gde Andika Mahardika
2024-09-01Antibacterial Properties of Endophytic Bacteria Isolated from Kalimantan’s Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa)Liyuwardi, Felicia Putri
2024-09-01In silico Study of Alkaloid Compounds from Native Southeast Asian Plants: the Utilization of Computational Approaches to Determine Drug Candidates against DENV-2Harilela, Prasheena
2024-09-01Investigating The Effect Of Compost Supplementation On Abrus Precatorius To Produce High-Value Triterpenoid SaponinWinoto, Osbert Nathaniel
2024-09-01Investigating the Effects of Sodium Azide and Red Light Illumination in Two-Stage Cultivation on Lipid Production of Desmodesmus sp. for Biofuel ProductionTjondro, Michelle Clarissa
2024-09-01Characterization of Potential Plastic Degrading Bacterial Isolates for Lipase ProductionSudiatno, Adrian Halim
2024-09-01Cellular Exploration of Potential Synthetic Compounds for Advancing Drug Development in PsoriasisNoya, Audrey casey
2024-09-01Development of Processed Cheese Slices with Different Emulsifying Salts for Enhancing Texture and FlavorYulianti, Vanessa