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Title: Assessing the Effect of Surfactant Type in Transfersome Making on The Wound Healing Activity of Binahong Leaves (Anredera cordifolia (Ten.) Steenis.) Extract"
Authors: Soetanto, Fenny
Keywords: Anredera cordifolia
binahong leaves
transfersome nanoparticles
tween 80
Issue Date: 11-Dec-2022
Publisher: Indonesia International Institute for Life Sciences
Series/Report no.: PHA004;intern2070
Abstract: Wounds are defined as the occurrence of damage and/or disruption of the skin integrity, mucous membrane, and also organ tissue which can disrupt the protective function of the epidermal tissue. Binahong (Anredera cordifolia (Ten.) Steenis.) is one example of a plant that can and has been used empirically to heal external wounds due to its bioactive compounds. However, there are some limitations due to the solubility of the extract of binahong leaves which might be overcome by encapsulating them in a transfersome that has the ability to spontaneously deliver the active ingredients through narrow skin pores. Therefore, this study was done to assess the effect of different types of surfactant used in the formulation of transfersome on the entrapment ability of the transfersome and the efficacy of binahong leaf extract to heal wounds. The results obtained show that the use of tween 80 (F2) as the surfactant was able to result in the highest entrapment efficiency with a significant difference (p<0.05) from the other formulations. Meanwhile, the results for in vitro efficacy testing shows insignificant differences (p>0.05) between all of the formulations and the binahong leaf extract which acts as the control.
Appears in Collections:Pharmacy

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