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Title: Investigation Of Antioxidant, Anti-Inflammatory, Antibacterial Properties And Phytochemical Screening Of Leaves And Endocarp Extracts Of Elaeocarpus Grandiflorus
Authors: Nadya, Kelly
Keywords: Elaeocarpus grandiflorus
crude extract
Issue Date: 1-Sep-2024
Publisher: Indonesia International Institute for life science
Abstract: Numerous health benefits of medicinal plants are attributed to the abundance of phytochemicals. Among these plants is Elaeocarpus grandiflorus, an endemic tree native to Southeast Asia. The locals utilize its leaves, fruit, endocarp, and bark to treat a variety of illnesses, such as acute intestinal inflammation, diarrhea, and urinary tract infections. This study aims to evaluate and quantify the phytochemical composition of the methanolic extracts of E. grandiflorus leaves and endocarp, as well as their antibacterial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory activity. The findings of this study showed that the leaves contain more phenolics and flavonoids while endocarp have a higher tannin content. Moreover, compound isolation from the endocarp yielded six compounds, with three elucidated as vanillin (2), erythro-guaiacylglycerol-β-coniferyl aldehyde ether (3), and threo-guaiacylglycerol-β-coniferyl aldehyde ether (4). Subsequent HPLC analysis identified and evaluated the relative amount of gallic acid, compounds 1, 2, 3, 4, and kaempferol in the endocarp. Interestingly, gallic acid, geraniin, kaempferol and compound 1 were present in the leaves. The bioactivity assay demonstrated that the leaves exhibit a higher antioxidant and antibacterial activity which might be attributed to the presence of gallic acid and geraniin. Nevertheless, current findings warrants further investigation especially in compounds isolation and bioactivity assessment to fully explore the health benefits of E. grandiflorus extracts.
Appears in Collections:Biomedicine

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