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dc.contributor.advisorWijaya, Evelyn Jeanette-
dc.contributor.advisorBudiono, Brian Christopher-
dc.contributor.advisorGandasasmita, Gabrielle Audrey-
dc.contributor.advisorHartrianti, Pietradewi-
dc.contributor.advisorDevanthi, Putu Virgina Partha-
dc.description.abstractThis protocol is based on the clinical trial conducted at Indonesia International Institute for Life Sciences (i3L), Jakarta, Indonesia. The clinical trial is done to test out a deodorant sample and aim to observe its antibacterial activity. It is conducted through a three-day testing period, where subjects undergo specific conditioning for 7 days. The study itself consists of bacterial sampling from axillary areas treated with the tested deodorant and axillary areas not treated with any deodorant, serial dilution and bacterial culture on agar media using Miles-Misra Method, observation and counting of colony forming unit (CFU), and identification of bacterias using selective agar media and Gram-Staining. This particular protocol will cover all steps except for the identification of bacterias using selective agar media and gram-staining, which will be covered in a separate protocol. This protocol can be an example for those conducting similar studies testing antimicrobial activity in deodorant products through clinical trials, as adjustments can be made according to each one of the study.en_US
dc.publisherDirektorat Jendral Kekayaan Intelektualen_US
dc.titleClinical Trial Protocol For Antimicrobial Evaluation Of Roll-On Deodoranten_US
Appears in Collections:Pharmacy

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