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Showing results 825 to 844 of 846 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021-08-21Understanding Product and Process Improvement of Biscuits at PT GARUDAFOOD PUTRA PUTRI JAYA GresikRahardja, Gabriela Lysette
2023-06-12Understanding the Regulation of Proteasome Homeostasis upon StressWinaya, Aurellia Ramara
2023-06-12The Utilization of Cocoa Bean Shell Waste as a Replacer of Natural Cocoa Powder in Chocolate Cookies ProductionKemis, Dila Odilia
2023-06-12Utilization of Gel-filled Microwell Array Device to Isolate Potential Naphthalene-Degrading Bacteria from Sediment SampleTrisna, Tifara Elaine
2018-08-28Utilization of Molecular Simulation in Drug Discovery: Using Computational Approaches to Find the Best Inhibitor of Nicotinamide Phosphoribotyltransferase (NAMPT) For Cancer Drug CandidateSukirman, Annisa Muthiah
2019-08-19The Utilization of Spray Drying Technology to Develop Avocado (Persea Americana Mill.) Seed PowderAlissa, Karen
2024-01-18Utilization Of Substandard Melon Into The Development Of Thai Melon Pie: Physicochemical And Sensory AnalysisImmanuel, Joya Angelica
2024-01-18Utilization Of Yeast Extract In Processed Cheese Towarda Consumer's PreferenceWen, Chelsy Angelline
2021-08-20Utilizing Information System to Tackle Drug-Drug Interaction in Clinical SettingAgustriawan, David; Crystalia, Audrey Amira; Parikesit, Arli Aditya; Whisnu, Andreas; Firmansyah, Moch.; Veneqe, Ike; Valeska, Margaretta Deidre
2021-12-11Utilizing Information System to Tackle Drug-Drug Interaction in Clinical SettingValeska, Margaretta Deidre; Veneqe, Ike; Firmansyah, Moch.; Whisnu, Andreas; Crystalia, Audrey Amira; Agustriawan, David; Parikesit, Arli Aditya
2021-09-29Valida on and Coding of Drug Products in Drug-Drug Interac on Database (in collabora on with Lira Medika Hospital)Bun, Wiranata Buntaran
2019-11-19Validating a Novel Zebrafish Model for Acne ScarringTaslim, Jason
2023-06-12Validation of Antimalarial Activity from the Herbal Plant Gynura Divaricata through the Action of β-sitosterolAnggasta, Giovani
2021-08-29Validation of Chronic Restrain Stress (CRS) as a Model of Stress Inducer in MiceTanugroho, Christy Bianca
2019-11-19Validation of Rnase J1 Function in Escherichia coli Cell SystemAubry, Daniel Abidin
2020-09-28Value, Knowledge, and Attitude of Organic Food Purchasing in i3L Indonesia and FHNW SwitzerlandRichard Sutejo, Ph.D; Dr. Stefan T. Günter; Wataha, Vivin
2022-07-12Virtual Screening of Compounds Produced by Streptomyces Bacteria Against Type I 3- DehydroquinaseBun, Wiranata Buntaran
2023-01-15Virus Filtration: Minimizing hold-up volume of EPO intermediates product by optimizing assembly designHusada, William
2023-01-01Water for Injection Hold Time Study in Room TemperatureHimawan, Moses
2020-09-20Web Service Development For Visualization of Viral Antigenic Diversity DataWidianto, Kresnodityo Jatiputro