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Showing results 237 to 256 of 846 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022-11-11Early detecon of Superficial Fungal Infecon in Rumah Merah Puh Community and Calvary OrphanageTansil, Fanie
2024-01-18Effect Differentiation Concentration Of Fruit To The Physicochemical And Organoleptic Analysis Of Konjac JellyCahya, Patricia
2022-06-21Effect of Accelerated Ripening and Fermentation to The Physicochemical Properties of Black Sapote Fruit and WineCitragumilang, Adinda Kurnia
2020-10-09The Effect of Acetylated starch and Propylene Glycol Alginate to the Baking Performance of Frozen Bread DoughSupardi, Jessica
2019-11-19The Effect of Additives in Enhancing Coconut Milk Based Indonesian Traditional Ice Cream Based on Consumer AcceptanceSetyadi, Joanes Visi
2023-06-12The Effect of Almond and Spinach By-Product Addition on Physicochemical and Sensory Characteristic of Granola BarLaurensia
2020-10-15The Effect of Averrhoa bilimbi Linn. Fruit Water Extract on Degranulation of RBL-2H3 CellsSantoso, William Halim
2018-08-28The Effect of Blanching and Freezing on Crispness and Color of Vacuum Fried Purple Sweet Potato ChipsSavitri, Wirda
2019-11-19The Effect of Caffeine Concentration on Bacterial Cellulose Production using Bacteria and Yeast Isolates from Kombucha's Culture in Mollasses MediaJeffry
2020-10-16Effect of Capsaicin and Gingerol and its Combination in Colorectal CancerMalika, Ibdati
2024-01-18The Effect Of Carboxymethyl Cellulose (cmc) Addition On The Physicochemical And Sensory Analysis Of Lychee Flavored Powder DrinkSantoso, Brenda Vania
2021-08-12The Effect of Carrier Agents in the Encapsulation of Red Fruit Oil (Pandanus conoideus Lam.) using Freeze Drying towards Carotenoid Content and Stability as a Natural Food ColorantTanardi, Samantha
2022-06-03Effect of Chilling-Thawing Treatment in the Production of Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) to the Physicochemical PropertiesHewijanto, Oktaviani
2023-06-12Effect of Chitosan-Gelatin Edible Film Incorporated with Kesum Leaves Extract on Beef Steak Physicochemical and Microbial PropertiesTheo, Edrick
2018-08-22The Effect of Chlamydial Infection upon Progesterone-sensitive Genes in Endometrial CellsRizanoel, Nabila Mumtazia
2018-08-28The Effect of Cold Plasma Technology on Physical and Chemical Properties of Low-Fat MayonnaiseNugraha, Ardiya
2022-08-11The Effect of Different Baking Processes on Micronutrient Stability, Physicochemical Properties, Sensory Acceptance, and Proximate Composition of Fortified CookiesSebastian, Fammela
2024-01-18The Effect Of Different Cleaning Techniques Towards An Allergen And Adenosine Triphosphate (atp) Cleaning Validation At Dsm-firmenich Cileungsi PlantRefflyn, Valeska
2021-09-03The Effect of Different Concentrations of Transglutaminase on the Physicochemical Properties of Soy YoghurtConde, Gian Carlo Arrabis