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Showing results 97 to 116 of 846 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024-01-18Cardiomegaly Detection using Computer VisionFisranda, Ferdinand
2021-08-21The Changes of Microbial and Internal Microbial Growth Factors of Over-fermented Tempeh FermentationRimba, Phoebe Anadita
2023-06-21Characterization and Comparison of the Freeze-Drying Process at PT. Hijaukan Bumi Lestari and i3Lk, Krisnadi
2023-12-11Characterization and Cytotoxicity Evaluation of Crude Ethanol Extract of The Herbal Plant Gynura DivaricataSyamsu, Alnafisya
2022-11-11Characterization and Cytoxicity Evaluation of Crude Ethanol Extract of the Herbal Plant Gynura DivaricataSyamsu, Alnafisya
2023-06-12Characterization of Microorganisms Isolated from Bantar Gebang Landfills in Bekasi for Plastic Degradation PotencyAlexander, Jonathan
2023-06-12Characterization of Microorganisms Isolated from Cipayung Landfill in Depok for Plastic Biodegradation PotencySetiawan, Devina Checylia
2024-01-31Characterization Of Pediococcus Acidilactici Postbiotics Loaded Bacterial Cellulose For Wound Healing ApplicationValentine, Yeshaya
2019-11-19Characterization of Physical, Chemical, and Sensory Properties of Commercial Pla-ra Sauces and Development of Low-sodium Pla-ra SauceDior, Kevin
2021-12-07Characterization of Self-Healing and Injectable Keratin Pectin HydrogelsChriscensia, Erika
2020-10-02Characterization of The Cross-reactive Antibody of Dengue Immune Primate for ZIKA VirusWarouw, Brigitta Priscilla
2021-08-28Chemical Characteristics and Antiproliferative Activity of Two Different Cultures of Kambucha Tea on Colorectal Cancer Cell LineClarissa, Gabriella Cindy
2021-08-28Chemical Profiling and Anti Proliferative Analysis of Kombucha Fermented with Komagataeibacter SPP. and Dekkera SPP. Against Hela cell LineThenaka, Priskila Cherisca
2021-08-21Claim Label Monitoring Project and Documentation Support at PT IndolaktoAnastasia
2023-12-13Cleaning Capacity Evaluation of Non Irritant, Sulfate Free Organic Dog ShampooTio, Gregory Adriel
2022-09-07Clinical Trial Protocol For Antimicrobial Evaluation Of Roll-On DeodorantWijaya, Evelyn Jeanette; Budiono, Brian Christopher; Erica; Gandasasmita, Gabrielle Audrey; Hartrianti, Pietradewi; Devanthi, Putu Virgina Partha
2022-06-01Clinical Trials Antimicrobial Evaluation of Daily Roll-On Deodorant and Axilla Bacterial Identification on Male University Students in Indonesian PopulationBudiono, Brian Christopher
2020-09-21Cloning and Functional Analysis of Genes Working in Oxidative Stress Defense in Unicellular Flagellated Microalgae Euglena gracilisVeridianti, Dominika Dwi
2022-06-22Coffee Plant Proteomics Annotation for Natural ProductsRubani, Muhammad Arief